How to travel to Madeira?
How to reach Madeira by plane?
Nearly all airlines nowadays have flights to Funchal - the capital of Madeira island.
Recommended is always booking a direct flight! To search for your flight please check via google search the airports next to your location with destination airport Funchal, checkig for different days! Also check the smaller airports run by Ryanair or Easyjet.
For example: From the region Aachen/Düsseldorf/Cologne/Köln the cheapest flight is every Wednesday and Sunday provided by Ryanair form Brussels Charleroi NOT from Brussels International Airport. So don't search just for departing the big / well known airports - also check the smaller airports - here you can check all airports with direct line to Funchal . Best is to check for several days per week.
For our Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish or Danish guests, TuiFly offers the following links depending on their country of origin: fi/matkat/portugali/
How to reach Madeira by ship?
We already welcomed guests with a blood pressure that is not flight-friendly! For those guest we recommended booking a passage on a cruise ship. To check all cruise ships heading/departing to Funchal please click here . To book just one way from your next harbor to Funchal you have to call the shipping company - it's not possible to book online - or go to the next travel agency.
If you like rough sea, sailing and most probably, an extreme adventure (STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED WITH KIDS) you can also check for booking a charter boat! There are boats that sail regularly from Lisbon to Funchal - click here for example . Or open an account on platforms connecting ship owners with potential clients - click here for example . But be aware that a sea swell with wave altitudes between 3 and 5 m are usual between Madeira and Lisbon and the distance between Funchal and Lisbon is aprox. 1,000 km at sea without a stop!